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In this conversation, Dr. Carlos Soto draws on his experiences over the last two decades working with youth of diverse backgrounds to explore what it means to be “critical”. We will consider questions such as: How might a critical stance change how we think about language, teaching, and research, and reshape our goals and practices. What ethical considerations do critical approaches raise? Ultimately, is criticality still relevant?
Dr. Carlos Soto is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong. He began his career in education in the United States, where he worked in schools and the non-profit education sector. Since 2009, he has worked in Hong Kong’s dynamic education system as a teacher and researcher, focusing on developing critical educational practices. He is author of the book Critical Pedagogy in Hong Kong: Classroom Stories of Struggle and Hope (Routledge) and co-author with Dr. Miguel Pérez-Milans of another forthcoming book, Language, Ethnicity, and the Politics of Struggle: A Critical Ethnography of Activism (Multilingual Matters).